Department of Philosophy

Name Dr. Rajeshwari Meena
Qualification M.A., Ph.D.
Specialization Philosophy of Education
Experience 13 Years
Area of Research Philosophy of Education
Current Research :
Research Project (Completed or Ongoing) :
Grant Agency Reference Number Title of the Project Duration Amount
UGC MH-116/304029/ XII/12-13/CRO 31/03/2013 आधुनिक परिप्रेक्षय में स्वामी विवेकांनद जी के शिक्षा दर्शन की प्रासिंग्ता पर विचार 2013-2015 80,000
Publications :
No. of Articles 08 in Journals & 15 Conference
No. of Book Review
Books Published (with ISBN)
Awards & Honors :
Contact Information :
Department of Philosophy
M.S.J. College, Bharatpur (Raj.) - 321001
Phone (Office) : 05644-225660
Mobile Number : Email Id :
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Name Vishnu Chand Gaur
Qualification Pursing Ph.D., M.A,
Specialization Indian Philosophy, Ethical Studies
Experience 06 Year
Designation Assistant Professor
Area of Research Indian Philosophy, Ethical Studies 
Current Research :
Indian Philosophy, Ethical Studies 
Awards & Honors :
Contact Information :
Department of Philosophy
M.S.J. College, Bharatpur (Raj.) - 321001
Phone (Office) : 05644-225660
Mobile Number : 9351623961
Email Id : 
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Name Dr. Rajveer Singh Shekhawat
Qualification Ph.D., M.A.
Specialization Indian Philosophy
Experience 28 Years
Area of Research Metaphysical Problems
Current Research :
Indian Logic
Research Project (Completed or Ongoing) :
Grant Agency Reference Number Title of the Project Duration Amount
UGC MH-23/304029/ 09-10/CRO न्याय दर्शन में व्याप्ति की अवधारणा 2010-2012 90,000
Publications :
No. of Articles 45
No. of Book Review 05
Books Published (with ISBN)
1. भारतीय निति मीमांसा (ISBN : 978-81-903829-8-4)
2. कुन्कुन्दाचार्य का दर्शन को योगदान(ISBN :13-978-81-909108-1-1)
3. जैन दार्शनिक अवधारणाएँ (ISBN :13-978-81-909108-0-4 )
4. दार्शनिक विमर्श : विविध आयाम (ISBN :13-978-93-82129-01-1)
5. सत अस्तित्व तथा मूल्य (ISBN :13-978-93-82309-18-5)
6. निति (ISBN :13-978-93-82309-19-2)
Awards & Honors :
Contact Information :
Department of Philosophy
M.S.J. College, Bharatpur (Raj.) - 321001
Phone (Office) : 05644-225660
Mobile Number :09414208003
Email Id :
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